What is Gluten Intolerance?

The Celiac Treatment and Research Center estimates that approximately 18 million people suffer from some degree of gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in many grains. Many people suffer some degree of sensitivity to gluten, complete intolerance of gluten is a condition known as Celiac Disease. People with Celiac disease have damage to the villi in the small intestines, which causes inflammation and inability to absorb nutrients, which often leads to a range of vitamin deficiencies. The Celiac Treatment and Research Center estimates that approximately 18 million people suffer from some degree of gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in many grains. Many people suffer some degree of sensitivity to gluten, complete intolerance of gluten is a condition known as Celiac Disease. People with Celiac disease have damage to the villi in the small intestines, which causes inflammation and inability to absorb nutrients, which often leads to a range of vitamin deficiencies.


Symptoms of gluten sensitivity are wide-ranging and include diarrhea, bloating, cramping, increased appetite, weight loss, headaches, pain, depression and inability to concentrate, among many other. Because the symptoms are so vague and wide-ranging, symptoms are often misdiagnosed and it can take months or years to figure out what is happening.

Gluten is found everywhere today, most particularly in processed and packaged foods and in food additives. Even foods that aren’t specifically made with gluten can still be cross-contaminated if they come into contact with kitchen utensils that have been in contact with gluten. Food isn’t the only place gluten is found, many nutritional supplements contain gluten and gluten is used to produce many medications.

If you suspect you may be gluten sensitive, you can try eliminating gluten products for 30 days and gradually reintroducing gluten foods. Or you can purchase a finger prick gluten test kit and find out in 5 minutes. If you decide to eliminate gluten, be sure to supplement your diet with extra fiber, iron, and B-vitamins, as grains are a main source of these nutrients.

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A Brief Guide to Detox

Whilst detox is becoming increasingly popular in the western world it has in fact been around and used in certain cultures for thousand of years. Some do it for religious and spiritual reasons whilst others do it for the sake of their mental and physical health. Whatever the reason for detoxing, there are countless benefits that can be gained.

Body Mind Detox

Detoxing is essentially the process of cleansing your body. You significantly reduce the foods that you consume and in some versions you eat and drink nothing but water. There are many different variations that determine exactly what you are allowed to consume and the one that you choose will often depend on the reason for your detox.

The benefits are numerous and apply to just about anyone. A long term cleanse lasting for a couple of weeks to a month for example can have some life changing effects from drastically changing the foods that you crave to providing you with a new found energy and lease for life. It can help to reduce and even reverse symptoms of dietary related diseases such as high cholesterol and diabetes and will of course aid with weight loss.

At bodyminddetox.com you will find everything your need to know regarding cleansing and detox as well as many other contributors to a healthier lifestyle.

Breakfast Smoothie

Start As You Mean To Go On..

Rather than start your day with a protein high in fat, sugar, and sodium that will cause you to crash mid-morning with a need for more sugars and fats, you can start your day with a nutrient-rich smoothie filled with proteins, vitamins and minerals that will help you feel fuller longer and more energetic, even mid-morning when everyone else around you is experiencing a sugar-crash.smoothie

Foods that are high in fats and sugars such as bacon and white-bread toast will leave you feeling bloated at the start of the day and lead to feeling of hunger even a mere few hours after eating.  If you elect to eat foods rich in fiber and nutrients you will have feel comfortably full for hours after your breakfast due to a longer digestive process and your body’s ability to use the nutrients to boost your metabolism properly.

Breakfast smoothies are a great way to combine healthy, fiber-rich fruits and vegetable that will absorb better through the digestive tract and work better with your body’s biochemical reactions.

A Breakfast Smoothie for better health

You should combine super foods such as wheatgrass and berries along with your preferred vegetable to give your body a burst of vitamins and minerals, active enzymes, antioxidants and metabolic energy for healthy weight. The smoothies also act as a detoxing agent to remove built-up toxins in the digestive tract and liver.

You can prep the fruits and vegetables ahead of time to make the smoothies easier and faster to make every day. Your mind will feel better and set the tone, or intentions, of your day by planning ahead, too. Cut of the food you wish to use in your breakfast smoothie and place them in a seal tight container. You can refrigerate them if you plan to use them within a day or two. Or you can freeze them if you plan to use them over several days.

Try drinking a smoothie every day for 5 days. You will find that you feel less bloated and more energetic hours after breakfast instead of tired and hungry just a couple hours after a heavy breakfast loaded down with fat, sugar and sodium.

Body Mind Detox

Holistic Health Care Practitioner Can Help You To Get Rid of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Do you have any health issue? If yes, then Body Mind Detox is here to serve you. Many people suffer from CFS that is also referred to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is a pretty strange and inexplicable illness. To have an understanding of this illness you need to know “What is holistic health”. If you will try finding the details of this mysterious illness, you will get to know, it has not been classified as a particular disease. However the debate is on yet. Many doctors refer to this illness, but according to some of the medical specialists the existence and the origin of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is still debatable.


If you have been experiencing overwhelming and devastating fatigue consecutively for over six months, then it must be referred to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You may have to consult with a holistic health care professional (practitioner) to take care of this illness. You must be using the diet which should be supervised by authentic holistic health practitioner. Your practitioner can help you to eliminate the overgrowth of Candida. It will be helpful in cleansing the blood. For instance, you have been experiencing anxiety, depression, migraines, headache, difficulty to concentrate, pain in muscles as well as joints, memory loss, etc. These are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and you must consult with some practitioner as soon as you can.

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